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Antonini SOS C-SAR N/L

Analytic Description

Antonini SOS C SAR N/L (black grip)
Rescue knives are specific tools that pose important project and construction challenges: they are created for high-risk situations where failure may have heavy consequences, thus it cannot be a possibility.
Moreover, to complicate things, they must be intuitive in their use especially in high-stress situations.
A.E.Coltellerie di Maniago, known for its brand Antonini, has been founded in 1925 and bears a long tradition of blades dedicated to agriculture and gardening, as well as special usage – designed for boating, fishing and electricians. Many, already, can recognize the widespread folders in the shape of a cartridge, or the more recent Old Bear – with its peculiar locking system. Since 2005, Antonini has widened its offer introducing a new line called SOS, that, as the name suggests, is dedicated to Rescue professionals, and it is especially valued in international contexts. The RESeT (Rescue Emergency Security Toll) series, just recently available in shops, represents the newest entry intended for the Rescue field.
The names of the models derive from the acronyms usually used in an international setting: SAR stands for Search and Rescue, and may be preceded by a C for Combat, which identifies the same activity but carried out on the battle field or by a N for Navy, which identifies its nautical use. To immediately tell them apart, is enough to look at their colors: high-visibility orange for the SAR, black for the CSAR and blue for the NSAR.
Their main function it’s straight-forward: offer the rescuer the chance to free a subject trapped inside a vehicle, by creating an opening through the window and quickly cutting the seat-belts; or, in worst cases, allowing the subject involved in an accident to find a way out for himself.
On the spine of the handle of each of the three variations there is a laser-etching writing “TechEmpowered by Lionsteel:. In fact, Antonini has recently started a partnership with the award-wining company that, aside the production of the RESeT series, aims to develop specific Rescue OEM products.
The blades have different profiles that depends on the area of use. Certainly, the most peculiar belongs to the SAR, designed for Fire-Fighters, Police or Civil Protection operators: it has a long and arched cutting-edge, with a short serrated trait – common to the series – and ends with a sharp hook and a trunscated tip with a profile that works as a flat screwdriver. It’s very long, so that when closed, the belt-cutter groove protrudes from the handle and can be used without exposing the blade, avoiding the risk of injuries; for this reason, on the spine there are two knurled traits, where the thumb can rest during its use – with or without opening the folder.
The CSAR is destined to the military, such as helicopter pilots or medical staff, involved in rescue operations that will not give up the versatility of a pointy tip; the profile is drop-point with very high bevels, that still do not reach the spine, and the tip is aligned to the handle axis. Among the three designs, this is the one that can carry out the bigger number of tasks, and therefore more apt to an every-day carry.
To close, the NSAR has been designed for boating uses and represents a compromise between the two previous ones. The sheepfoot blade has a very dropped-down tip, so much so the cutting edge is almost a straight line, and again we find very high bevels which are satin finished.
Antonini decided to use the Nitro-B, a steel with a proprietary formula by German Buderus Edelstahl Band, an alloy with nitrogen characterized by high oxidation-resistance, capable to reach 60-61HRC of hardness.
Both the CSAR and the NSAR carry a wide opening hole, with screwed in insert that enhances the grip in case the user is wearing gloves. Like Lionsteel folders, also the RESeT series by Antonini is equipped with IKBS system ball bearings. In this case, due to the locking mechanism, they are not designed to offer a lighting-quick opening typical of a flipper, but they ensure a fluid and smooth rotation.
The ergonomics of the handle are excellent, with supports and grooves clearly designed to ensure a strong and safe hold. The scales are in G10, with central indentand a light radiating texture that enhance the grip while wearing gloves and/or in moist enviroments. Under the scales, we find two metallic liners heavily skeletonized that carry out their structural function, and which contain the locking mechanism – of which the main component is the solid spine- spring.
Locking Mechansism
On the CSAR and NSAR there is the TOL (Tactical Operation Locks) system, the same found on Lionsteel Daghetta. Its mechanism resembles the Axis by Benchmade, but in reality it’s completely different. The steel cylinder does not intercept the blade – as in the American system- but lock the spine-spring, ensuring a bomb-proof robustness. The mechanism fits perfectly to the rescue knife and delivers a big grade of sturdiness – underlined by the sound click to the opening lock, and for being completely ambidextrous, thus easier to use in emergency situations, where fast actions are needed under a lot of stress.
The handle includes two accessories.
  • In the anterior, near the pivot, there is a glass-breaker with a tungsten insert; it does not protrude much, but on the other hand , it does need to be used through impact as those in steel: this particular hard material allows to draw an X on the glass, thus weakening it and making a slight pressure enough to break it, reducing the number of shards and chances to injure the person on the other side.
  • On the rear, there is hexagonal recess ready to host inserts of standard dimensions that are retained by a small neodymium magnet; thanks to the stability offered by tha magnet and favorable lever, its possible to exert quite some strength. All Antonini RESeT folders are equipped with pocket clip, with an anchoring point on each side of the handle. CSAR and NSAR have a lanyard hole exactly where it should be, whereas on the SAR it is on the blade, replacing the opening hole, in this way the lanyard will not interfere while using the sharp hook when the knife is closed. Optionally, there are also available belt sheath for hexagonal inserts, a sheath only for the knife or the combination of the two.

Antonini SOS C SAR N/L (Black)
Technical Specifications
  • Handle material: G10
  • Blade material: Nitro-B-HRC60 +/-1 Finishing: Satin
  • Type of lock: TOL 
  • Blade length: 93mm (3.66”)
  • Blade thickness: 3.5mm (0.14”)
  • Overall length 215mm (8.46”)
  • Closed length: 122mm (4.80”)
  • Weight: 145gr (5.12oz)
Code Descri. Price       
SOS.C-SAR N/L Antonini SOS C-SAR N/L 171.80€

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